Construction Manager

At Risk Projects

Construction Manager At Risk project

CMAR approach

A CMAR project, or Construction Manager At Risk project, is a construction delivery method that emphasizes collaboration and risk management. In this approach, a construction manager is hired by the project owner during the early stages of a project, typically during the design phase. The construction manager works in partnership with the owner and the design team to plan, estimate costs, and develop schedules.

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The construction manager provides a GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price), which is a ceiling on construction costs. This GMP serves as a financial safeguard for the owner, as it assures that the project will not exceed a certain cost. If actual construction costs surpass the GMP, the construction manager is responsible for covering the overages, thus bearing some financial risk.

Executed with Precision & Expertise

the role of the construction manager

1. Collaboration

Facilitating close collaboration between the owner, design team, and construction professionals to optimize project design and execution.

2. Cost Estimation

Providing accurate cost estimates during the design phase to help owners make informed decisions.

3. Value Engineering

Offering expertise in value engineering to identify cost-saving opportunities without compromising project quality.

4. Schedule Management

Ensuring that the project progresses on time and within budget.

Benefits of CMAR Projects

CMAR projects offer numerous advantages.

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